Department of Conservation and Restoration, Nova School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
Associate Professor (Tenure), Council Member of the Department of Conservation and Restoration, Nova School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Integrated Member of CENIMAT/i3N Research Center where he is Head of the Structural Materials Group and responsible for the XRF-WDS Analytical Laboratory.
Portuguese National Delegate at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France).
Elected member of the E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) Scientific Council and Member of the Working Group on Cultural Heritage of E-MRS.
His main research area is crystal chemistry and structural analysis using X-rays of mineralogical, ceramic, vitreous and petreous materials (with emphasis on cultural heritage). Main characterization techniques include X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopies (XANES and EXAFS using synchrotron radiation).
Author/co-author of more than 60 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Participant in several National and European projects, currently is the responsible researcher of the RawMatters@Schools4.0 project, related to the dissemination of scientific culture, and the AMIR-LIH project, supporting a master’s degree program in advanced materials innovative recycling, both funded by EIT Raw Materials (European Institute of Innovation and Technology). Until 2021 he was coordinator of the MineHeritage project on European mining heritage supported by the EIT Raw Materials. Until 2019 he was responsible researcher in the H2020 HERACLES project on cultural heritage and climate action.
Co-organizer of 5 Symposia at E-MRS (Spring Meetings 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2022), International Materials Congress2019, and responsible for CENIMAT/i3N dissemination activities on the European Researchers Night.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Heritage journal (MDPI) and Guest Editor of 5 special issues in materials and characterization techniques applied to cultural heritage (Heritage, Nanomaterials, Coatings and Minerals). Reviewer of several scientific journals and evaluator of national and European projects.
Associate Professor w/ Habilitation and Head of the Materials Science Department at the School of Science and Technology
João Borges is Associate Professor w/ Habilitation and Head of the Materials Science Department at the School of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon and Vice-director of the Materials Research Centre/Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodeling and Nanofabrication – CENIMAT/i3N. He is the Coordinator of the Biomaterials Lab at CENIMAT|i3N ( He is Editor of the journals: “International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering”, “Annals of Materials Science & Engineering”, “Annals of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry” and “Biofunctional Materials”. Associate Editor of the journal “Frontiers in Biomaterials Science”. His current research interests include different functional materials, from nanoparticles and hybrids to nanocomposites, for application in Tissue Engineering and Cancer Theranostics (w/ magnetic nanoparticles).
Materials Science-Glass and Ceramics, Materials Science Department, FCT-UNL
B.Sc. in Physics and Materials Engineering – Specialization in Materials (1989, FCT/UNL); MSc. in Materials Engineering (1994, FCT/UNL); PhD in Materials Science and Engineering – Glass and Ceramic Materials (2003, FCT/UNL).
Main scientific interests:
– Glasses, Glass-ceramics and Glass-ceramic Composites.
– Processing and characterization of glass and ceramics.
– Effect of experimental parameters on the final microstructure, thermal, electrical and optical properties of the composites.
– Sintering behaviour of glasses and of glass-nanoceramic particle composites: Crystallization kinetics by isothermal and non-isothermal methods. Characterization of ceramic materials for dental restoration. Low temperature sinterable glasses and glass/nanoceramic particle composites. Optical microsensors based on rare earth doped phosphate glass.
– Recycling of solid wastes by ceramic and glass technology. Recycling of Scrap of the Electrical and electronic Industries. Ecomaterials. Quality improvement of recycled aggregates from a construction and demolition waste. Effect of phosphogypsum on the clinkerization temperature of Portland cement clincker.
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy of Minerals and Construction Products (UPM) and UPM Coordinator of the European AMIR (Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling) Master’s Degree, and the AMIR Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree, García-Navarro is also a member of the Commission of Experts for the evaluation of the National Technical Approvals (DIT), at IETcc-CSIC; Technical Expert of the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC); and Evaluator of R&D Projects for ACIE, AENOR INTERNACIONAL, EQA, and DNV GL.
Justo García-Navarro has worked as a researcher and head researcher in more than 50 R&D and educational projects (both at the national and EU levels). He is also the author of more than 110 scientific papers and books on sustainability in construction and was recognized with the Alfonso Martín Escudero Research Award in 2001.
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ITU’s institutional history, intellectual memory and its esteemed environment builds a strong bridge from the past to the future. With its development in line with the requirements of the age, its innovative perspective and its structure that cares about establishing relations with the world; ITU is the university of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Maria Paula Diogo is a full Professor of History of Technology and researcher at the Interuniversity Centre of the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT).
Having pioneered the field of History of Technology in Portugal, her research focuses on the History of Technology and Engineering in Portugal and colonies, on the processes of globalization, knowledge circulation and appropriation, on the concepts of networks, centers and peripheries, and, more recently, on the Anthropocene predicament.
She has published extensively, led more than 20 national and international projects, organized numerous meetings and has actively participated in the national and international community of historians of technology.
In 2020 she was awarded the Leonardo da Vinci Medal, the highest recognition from the Society for the History of Technology, in 2021 she was part of the “women in science” list and in 2022 she was Kranzberg Lecturer, the highest distinction from ICOHTEC.
Department of Applied Social Sciences , NOVA School of Science and Technology, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Paula Urze holds a PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology, Lisbon School of Economics and Management, 2005. She is Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) in which she was head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences from April 2018 to September 2022. Since 2014, she is researcher at CIUHCT – Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology, and her scientific areas of interest are innovation, science and technology, networks, work and professions. She has led several national projects, including I&D.COM – Local R&D Competencies in Global Value Chains (FCT/MCTES), CoRe – Networked R&D Competencies (BRISA, Innovation and Technology) and has participated in several international projects, one example being InsSciDE – Inventing a Shared Scientific Diplomacy for Europe (H2020). She is author and co-author of various national and international publications, has participated in international networks and has served in scientific societies in the field of sociology of organizations and work. She belongs to the team that was distinguished in 2011 by the Santander Totta/Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Scientific Merit Award dedicated to the area of Social Sciences and Humanities.
She worked in AGE, participated project Urban Green Heart of Auxiliary City Centre in Beijing Temporary Greening Plan Reconstruction of Cuiping Road in Tongzhou in Beijing; also she had worked in ARCplus-ECADI (East China Architectural Design & Research Institute), participated project Zhangjing River South Extension Renovation Project-Pump Gate and Management Area Planning and Architectural Design. In her par time, she organized official activities staff such as meeting between Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Art Museum of Catalonia. Also in Archiworld, she had been working as Architecture New Media Editor. In Milan World Expo “Beijing-Milan Designers Dialogue 2019 Beijing Expo”, she had been organizing the participation in the “Finding Teachers and Asking to Build” Architecture Overseas Study Tour, and at the same time participated in the Fifth China Urban and Rural Planning Implementation Symposium (UPIM) as a staff member, and organize students from architecture related majors to visit Lize SOHO designed by Zaha Hadid, BIAD-Ufo of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
Inês Navalhas
PhD Researcher Department of Applied Social Sciences, FCT/NOVA.
Research interests: Popularization of science and technology; Public understanding of science; Public communication of science; Public policies for the dissemination of science and technology; History of the popularization of science and technology.
Projects: «Communicating science and technology in democratic Portugal (1975-2015); mechanisms, strategies and audiences». PhD Thesis Project in History, Philosophy and Heritage of Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon. Coordination: Maria Paula Diogo and Paula Urze, 2017-2021.
Breno Borges holds a Ph.D. in History, Philosophy and Heritage of Science and Technology from NOVA FCT (2021). He was a postdoctoral researcher in the HERIT-AGES project. Plastic and glass ‘ages’ for whom? Exploring new ways to value and preserve heritage for the future. I was also a researcher in the project The Plastics Metamorphoses – the reality and the multiple approaches to a material. From 2017 to 2019, I was a researcher in the European project H2020, HERACLES (Heritage Resilience Against Climate Events on Sites). From 2010 to 2016, I worked as a historian at the Cultural Preservation Management of the Historical and Artistic Heritage Foundation of Pernambuco (Brazil), where I conducted historical and technical research and managed, promoted and disseminated activities related to the state’s cultural heritage. I am a researcher at the Inter-University Centre for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT/FCT/UNL). My research interests are the history of science, urban history, sustainability and cultural heritage, especially the theory of conservation and industrial heritage.